Established in 1935, the Prehistoric Society researches, protects and promotes the global archaeology of deep human history based on material evidence from the past.
The aims of the Prehistoric Society are to:
- Encourage and support high quality research
- Foster the skills and expertise needed to investigate prehistory
- Disseminate knowledge about our prehistoric past
- Raise awareness of the value of human prehistory
- Speak out for prehistoric heritage
We organise events and communicate research on prehistory to our members and to the wider public.
We have an active programme of events every year including lectures, study tours and conferences: many are recorded and can be found on our YouTube channel. Events are held in a variety of different locations and some are co-hosted with other societies. Day visits provide an opportunity to engage with sites and to meet other members.
As part of our global reach, some of our events are held online. We also provide a range of online resources including guides to publicly accessible sites as well as educational material for students.
The Society presents research in prehistory through a wide range of publications and other media:
- Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society (PPS), our annual peer-reviewed journal
- PAST, our newsletter, published in April, July and November
- Prehistoric Society Research Papers monograph series: books on a wide range of topics in prehistory
- Online book reviews
- Social media - Facebook, Twitter and YouTube
Through its advocacy, the Society provides a voice to protect landscapes, monuments, museums and artefacts under threat.
The Society makes annual grants and awards to recognize and promote excellence, to support members to discover new evidence in the field and in museum archives, and to attend conferences:
- Collections Study Award
- The Prehistoric Society-SUERC Radiocarbon Award
- Dr RM Baguley and the Baguley Award
- Prehistoric Society Undergraduate Dissertation Prize
- The John and Bryony Coles Bursary (Student Travel Award)
- Conference Fund
- Research Fund
- Events Fund
Become a Member
With over 1500 members in 40 countries, we welcome anyone with a passion for, and interest in, worldwide prehistory. If you want to know more about joining us, donating or contributing in other ways, see our Become a Member page or get in contact.
The Society is governed by a Council, with a President and Vice-Presidents. The Society is registered in England and Wales as a company limited by guarantee (no. 2532446) and is a registered charity (no. 1000567). Copies of our Articles of Association can be received by emailing
The Prehistoric Society is committed to promoting equality, diversity and an inclusive and supportive environment for its membership, officers and guests. For further information, see our policies.