
The prehistory of a lost landscape beneath the North Sea: past, present and future

Annual joint lecture with FEAG & HIAG: in person
Dr James Walker (Bradford University)
Histon Baptist Church Station Road, Histon, Cambridge, CB24 9LN
Barbed points


Doggerland, the now submerged prehistoric landscape hidden beneath the southern North Sea, has posed an enigma to inquisitive minds for centuries. Clues as to its existence long predate the birth of archaeology as an academic discipline. It has, at various times throughout prehistory, connected the British Isles with mainland Europe, and been home to various plants, animals, and people, some of which are now extinct. Its mysteries continue to intrigue, for although it has become a major focus of research in recent decades, Doggerland remains a place of considerable archaeological potential, as we struggle to advance our knowledge. Things are, however, beginning to improve. This presentation will show how it was important to the birth of prehistoric archaeology, how it was, for a time, largely forgotten, and why there has been a resurgence of interest. Along the way, we will see how, from prehistoric seafarers to ancient tsunamis, Doggerland continues to fascinate. From our understanding of early hominins to the first peoples to return to Britain after the last Ice Age, and the final hunter-gatherers (and first farmers) of northwest Europe, this remains among the most exciting frontiers of discovery in prehistoric archaeology.