Guidelines for submissions to PAST

Thank you for considering a submission in our newsletter. We accept contributions on all matters prehistoric, from fieldwork reports and analyses of a single find to contributions about a specific region, artefact type or theoretical question. There are no geographical restrictions. We also publish reviews of conferences and workshops, particularly if these have been hosted or supported by the Prehistoric Society.

Text length

Generally speaking, contributions come in two sizes:

  • short: 800 words and two images
  • long: 1200 words and up to four images

Conference and workshop reports in particular can be shorter than a ‘short’ contribution. We will also consider shorter notes for other topics – please do get in touch if in doubt.


  • Contributions should be written in an accessible style. Therefore, please do not include in-text references (and consequently, no bibliography either). Instead, ensure that your contribution is attractively illustrated.
  • Please use standard British spelling.
  • Please submit your contribution as a Word (.doc/.docx), rich text (.rtf) or text (.txt) file. Please also state the name of the author(s) and affiliations (short, not the complete postal address) as you want them to appear in the text. You may add a contact e-mail address.


  • Images for the newsletter can be submitted in full colour – indeed, this is encouraged.
  • Please submit your images as separate files and do not embed them in the text. Preferred file formats are TIFF, PDF, AI or JPEG – but other formats may be acceptable (subject to checking). Please ensure any PDFs are saved as Press Quality.
  • Photographs must be saved at a minimum resolution of 400 dpi at the actual size in which they are to be printed. Drawings and so on must similarly be at high resolution at the size in which they are to appear – otherwise they will be fuzzy!
  • If you are submitting images generated by specialist software (e.g. SPSS, a GIS package and so on), please produce them in compatible format, at high resolution, using an imbedded legible font. Excel graphs and charts must be sized appropriate to the image area and converted to Press Quality PDF files.
  • Captions should be provided.
  • Please also ensure that you have obtained copyright for the image in question – so either that you drew it/took the photograph yourself, or that you have the permission of the person who did so. If the latter, you should give their name in the caption.
  • Reproducing maps in particular can be problematic (e.g. OS), and we would advise that you leave yourself sufficient time to organise this aspect of your submission.

For any queries, please contact the Editor, Susan Greaney at

Privacy Policy for Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society (PPS) and PAST: Author data

Author data are stored securely on our internal database alongside the manuscript of their paper/contribution, to which only the Editor and Assistant Editor (PPS) or Editor of PAST has access as applicable. In the case of multi-authored contributions only the data relating to a principal author is held beyond publication of the relevant paper/contribution. These data are held indefinitely in our system as this is considered necessary for our legitimate interests in the continued process of academic publication of the society’s journal. By publishing in PPS or PAST authors agree to their name and affiliation being published within the journal. These data are shared only with our typesetter (for PAST) and our publisher, Cambridge University Press, who have all necessary compliances in place