Iron Age Lives: exploring social dynamics in later prehistoric Britain and Europe
Recent breakthroughs in ancient DNA and isotope analysis are transforming our understanding of diversity, mobility and social dynamics in the human past. The COMMIOS Project integrates new biomolecular methods within a broader archaeological framework to examine the structure of Iron Age societies in Britain and continental Europe. This one-day conference presents the key results of the COMMIOS Project along with parallel projects in Europe. It will explore the social dynamics of Iron Age society, including new evidence for kin-group composition, mobility, regional identities and complex relationships between the living and the dead.
The conference will be held at The Hospitium in Museum Gardens, York, from 9:00 to 17:00. Lunch and refreshments will be provided. This is followed by a Keynote Speech by Prof David Reich in King’s Manor, York. The day will conclude with a wine reception held in the King’s Manor grounds.
COMMIOS website: